Theme Settings
How to customize header, footer and navigation of your website in Clubistry?
Go to Site Builder -> Site Settings, and scroll down to the Design section.
- Theme:
- Show Club Name in Header: If your club logo is square, and/or doesn't have your club name in the logo artwork, you may want to add the full club name into the page header. However, it will almost always look better if you create a single image to use that has the logo and the name in it, as you then have better control over the design.
- Tagline: If Show Club Namein Header is checked, you also have the option to add a tagline to be displayed below the Club Name.
- Choose primary and secondary colors: Use the color pickers to select a primary and secondary color for your website. When you choose a color, you'll notice that it will show 9 little blocks with different shades of the color you have chosen, with the 500 one being the color you chose. The blocks also show what color text will automatically be displayed on top of that color when that color is used as a background color. For usability, we strongly recommend that you adjust the colors until the 500-900 shades all show white text. Ideally, if you can get 400-900 to use white text, the site design will be easier for people to use, with fewer hard-to-read color contrasts.
- Choose a header style: Select one of the header styles for your site. The "Compressed" header style is designed for sites without too much primary navigation, and will also work best with a compact logo (square or round).
- Choose background colors for your header and footer: There are 2 header colors to set, and one footer color. Each has a dropdown from which you can select white, black, or one of the 18 colors that are set above.
- Live Preview: This will show you an estimate of how the theme settings you've set above will display on your website. This preview will update as you edit the other Theme settings.
- Fonts: Choose a headline and a body font from the curated font options.These are fonts that work well for websites, and which pair well together. You won't have to worry about someone using an unlicensed font on your site, or something that doesn't work well for screen use.