E-Commerce Overview

Clubistry's E-Commerce system will allow your club to sell merchandise on your website. Users can add items to the cart and check out on the website with a credit card. Administrators can manage inventory and configure products and product categories.

The E-Commerce feature requires Stripe integration.

Getting Started

Store Page

When you create a new club website on Clubistry, the Store page is already in place. Find the Store page in the Pages list.

  • If you don't want the Store page to be showing on the website navigation yet, then make sure that the page has Include in Menu unchecked. 
  • If you want the Store page to show in the navigation, then make sure that Include in Menu and Active are both checked for the page. You can move the page just like any page to place it in the desired spot in the navigation. 
  • If you want to be able to access the Store page (for example while getting he store set up and ready for launch), but don't want it in the navigation yet for the public to find, then keep Include in Menu unchecked, but Active checked. This leaves the page "live", but not in the menu. You can access the page at https://your.domain/store

You can't change the Slug on the Store page, but you can change the Page Title and Menu Title to whatever you need for the page.

E-Commerce Settings

Navigate to Settings, and then scroll to the bottom for the E-Commerce settings. There is a notification there that will tell you if your club has connected to Stripe yet or not. Your club must be connected to your Stripe account in order to activate E-Commerce. Without the Stripe connection, your products will not show up on the website. Learn about Clubistry Payments.

There are two settings for E-Commerce. 

  • Store Active: Check to turn the store on. 
  • E-Commcerce Notification Emails: Comma separated list of emails that will receive a notification when a new order is submitted.

If someone other than the main Admin for the website will be managing setting up products and/or handling orders, then you should add their email address to the notification field above, and also make sure that they have been set up in the E-Commerce Manager Role. Access to the Products, Produc Categories, and Orders is restricted to Admin and E-Commerce Manager roles. 

More information: 

