Frequently Asked Questions

We've compiled a list of common questions here, to make it easy to get all the info you need about using Clubistry.

Still can't find your answer? Just ask!

Any fees other than the monthly fee seen in the Pricing page?


There are no extra fees other than what's shown in the Pricing page.  We want to make our pricing as clear and easy to understand as possible.

Note on Pricing Page under Online Renewal Payments: There's a small transaction fee that Clubistry charges for every transaction that is processed using Clubistry Payments, powered by Stripe. This is an optional feature that you can enable for your club that allows your members to pay online using credit cards. For example when a member renews their membership online using your club's website.

Are clubs able to use their own domain name or would the club now be a subdomain of


Every club is assigned a clubistry subdomain (such as when they are set up.  This will always be available to you.

Additionally, at any time clubs can register their own domain and easily add it to their Clubistry site.

Check out our supporting documentation explaining the process. Once you sign up, there's a section that allows you to add your domain with more detailed instructions.

Are there any Setup fees?

No, there are no required fees.

Clubistry was made to be entirely self served without intervention from Clubistry staff, so your club can really sign up for free, set up the whole website and membership options using Clubistry tools that don't require any coding or technical expertise.

However, if your club needs help setting up your website, we do offer a migration service. We can help bring your content over to Clubistry, organize the pages on your site, and present everything according to best practices. 

To inquire about the migration service, please Contact Us.

Can I see some example Clubistry sites?

If we decide to leave Clubistry, can we keep all our information?


We can facilitate the export process of all your club's data, including member roster, images and any specific content that you want to take with you. 

While we'll be sorry to see you go, we understand that Clubistry won't be for everyone.

Is there a yearly fee along with the monthly fee?


You can choose what type of billing you want for your subscription—monthly or annual. 

We currently have a monthly billing option for our paid plan at $59/mo, but if you choose the annual billing option it comes down to $54/mo. There's no extra yearly fee if you choose the monthly fee and vice versa.

What platform is Clubistry based on?

Clubistry was built entirely by a web development agency called Dialogs. It is not based on a specific platform, but we are using well-established technology, including Laravel, PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript. All of our servers are hosted with Amazon Web Services here in the US.

Who owns my Clubistry site and the information?

You own your site and your information.

Clubistry is the platform used to present your information, but all the assets, text, images, videos and content belongs to you.

Will there be a "Clubistry" logo on the new club website?


The Clubistry logo will not be shown on your website. The only attribution to Clubistry is a simple bit of text found at the end of the footer on every website that reads "Powered by Clubistry."

Will there be advertisements from any 3rd party websites on my club website?


There are no advertisements, popups, or any type of information injected in your Clubistry website. Only the content you add is shown on your site, and you have full control over that.