Page Content Sections - News Teasers (3) Section


Select Promo Blocks Section from the Add new section dropdown.


  • Template: Select which template option you want for this section. 
    • Promo Blocks - Primary Colored Blocks, 3 Vertical Blocks: 3 Blocks display, each block composed of an image header, then content area (primary background) with headline, text, and button. 
    • Promo Blocks - Secondary Colored Blocks, 3 Vertical Blocks: 3 Blocks display, each block composed of an image header, then content area (secondary background) with headline, text, and button. 
    • Promo Blocks - Background Image and Headline Blocks, 3 Blocks: 3 Blocks display, each block composed of a background image with only headline text centered on top of the background image.
  • Promos: Select up to 3 of your Promo Blocks to display in this section. 


This section shows 3 Promo Blocks. Use these promo blocks to promote desired or related content in other areas of your site.