Hosting virtual board meetings in 2024. How to do it right?


Hosting virtual board meetings in 2024 - How to do it right?

Do you get overwhelmed when trying to figure out how to host a virtual board meeting? I know I do. And trust me, board members feel the same way.

A meeting that has no direction can be unproductive, uncomfortable and cause unexpected problems – especially when the meeting is after hours for your “volunteer” job. Here are several effective tips to help you hold efficient virtual board meetings in 2024.


1. Always have an agenda.

Most people on these meetings are volunteering their time and that time should be valued. Having an agenda is crucial for an efficient board meeting. The length of the agenda will determine the length of the meeting. The more meetings you host, the more you’ll learn how much effect the length of the agenda has on the meeting itself. Don’t overload the agenda though, with virtual meetings, you might consider less agenda items as online meetings typically require repetition and clarification. The agenda should be focused on topics that support your club’s strategic goals.

Having an agenda is crucial for an efficient and effective board meeting.


2. Start on time.

Your meeting has a start time and you need to stick to it. Most of your board members have “real” jobs and busy lives, which sometimes means they’ll run late. You don’t need to wait for everyone to join before starting the meeting. If you continuously push back your meeting start time, you’ll encourage board members to arrive later and later.

When you start every meeting on time, you convey the importance of punctuality. You also show board members and guests that you value their time. Board members that join late will also feel uncomfortable and after several times doing this, if they get called out, they will make an effort to join on time.

When hosting a virtual board meeting you should join the meeting 5-10 minutes before it starts, welcome members that join beforehand and just start the meeting with your agenda items on the dot when the time comes.

You don’t need to wait for everyone to join before starting the meeting


3. Send materials in advance.

You need to send out any supporting materials days ahead of the meeting. Items such as the agenda, minutes from previous meetings, financial statements, membership reports, staff reports, and any other documents can be sent to board members prior to the meeting.

Good board members know their responsibilities and will read what you send them. Assume board members did their homework and reviewed the updates. This will make the meeting more productive by allowing more time for strategic discussions since you don't have to be reading those supporting documents while in the meeting.

Assume board members read supporting materials you sent them in advance.


4. Focus on strategic discussion but also allow for personal time.

When you are asking yourself how to host a virtual board meeting? You have to remember that you and board members are always busy so wasting time with a board meeting that doesn’t provide value will frustrate everyone involved. It does nothing to help move your organization forward.

Your board’s job is to help move your club forward through governance and strategy. Make your board meetings about strategic discussions and decisions. Non-controversial or routine items can easily be reviewed via email before or after the meeting.

Allowing for personal time during your board calls recognizes how everyone is navigating through the changing times, providing your board with support and help from the attendants.

You can ask questions like:

  • How is the club handling X difficult situation that came up last month?
  • What new challenges is the club facing?
  • How have some of these situations impacted their families?

Allowing for personal time in your meetings can be a beneficial thing. 


5. Offer vision and inspiration.

Board members are there because they believe in the mission and vision of your club. Try to end your meetings with mission, vision, and inspiration to keep the board connected with the organization’s purpose.

You can incorporate your mission through small things. For example, display your mission and vision statement on your opening slide. You could also ask a new member to give a testimonial about why they joined, how the process was and showcase that testimonial in the final slide of the meeting.

Just make sure your board members leave inspired and deeply connected with your vision. Don’t let them leave a meeting focused on how much you’re going to spend on post-it notes this year. One of the worst things that you can do is wrap up a board meeting with a down sentiment or leaving the board disenfranchised from the club.

Make sure the board members leave the meeting connected to your mission and vision.


Your board meetings can be one of your greatest assets or one of your biggest headaches. You have to spend some time preparing them and just use the tips we presented in this article to make the most out of them.

So to respond to the initial question of how to host a virtual board meeting?

  • Having an agenda is crucial for an efficient and effective board meeting.
  • You don’t need to wait for everyone to join before starting the meeting
  • Assume board members read supporting materials you sent them in advance.
  • Allowing for personal time in your meetings can be a beneficial thing.
  • Make sure the board members leave the meeting connected to your mission and vision

We hope this helps you schedule and host virtual meetings in 2024. If you need a solid and easy club management solution we hope you can give Clubistry a try for free or learn about all the benefits an features of Clubistry.

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