What type of customer support you need in club management software?


What type of customer support you need in club management software? 


If your club management system doesn’t provide adequate customer support, then you are going to have problems really soon because it’s guaranteed that at some point you’ll need support or help with some functionality of your system. In this article we’ll show you several things your club management system should be providing to help ensure your club’s success.

Your club management software is important. It’s what helps your staff (or just you) manage your organization. But when you have challenges with your software or you have questions you can’t quite figure out, does your provider offer adequate customer support?

Here’s what club management software vendors should provide to help ensure you succeed:


1. Multiple support options

Your club management software should be easy to use, but sometimes you run into challenges, and you need help. It should be simple to contact the support team for assistance when you need it. They should provide guidance, help you troubleshoot issues, and work with you to find ways to unlock the full potential of your club’s system. 

For example, the Clubistry team offers support in multiple ways to ensure you have access to the type of support you need, when you need it. Support includes:

  • You can email anytime to support@clubistry.com and a member of the team will respond to your enquiry normally the same day.
  • If you have a paid subscription you get access to our direct phone support line to get answers even quicker if you have an urgent issue with your club.
  • Clubistry also does monthly Q&A live sessions with experts of the dev team to answer any questions you may possibly have. Clubistry related or not, we like helping people with technical challenges they face.
  • Step-by-step guides and documentation to read at your convenience.
  • Access to our online community where you can get help, support and ideas not only from Clubistry experts but from other club admins managing their clubs with Clubistry that have faced challenges and can have suggestions for you.


2. Help with onboarding and resources

If you don’t feel confident using your club management software, you can’t work efficiently. Make sure your provider offers convenient options to onboard you and your staff so that everyone who uses your system knows how to use it properly. Also, be sure that your vendor offers resources like documentation that you can refer to if you feel stuck or need a refresher on how to do something.

For example, Clubistry offers monthly live Q&A sessions, email and phone support, extensive documentation and an active online community where you can continue learning and finding answers.


3. A great customer experience

You should feel good about your experience with your club management software provider. If you don’t, then look for one with a high customer satisfaction rating. Maintaining a high customer satisfaction rating is one way a provider can demonstrate their commitment to giving customers an excellent experience and helping them succeed.


Find the right club management software for your organization

Your club management software can help your organization’s staff work more efficiently, deliver a better member experience, and provide better value to everyone. But it’s not only about great software. You also need great customer support.

Clubistry is an all-in-one club management software that helps small-to-mid size organizations boost member engagement, save hours of time and increase happiness of staff and members alike – all in one easy-to-use platform. With Clubistry, you also get a best-in-class service and support team that guides you to success. Get started with Clubistry for free today.

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